Australian Government Department of Health
This project assessed whether, during the first three years of its operation, the Aged Care GP Panels Initiative adequately achieved its objectives. AHA were engaged by the Department of Health and Ageing, based on our extensive experience in undertaking program reviews and our knowledge of the aged and primary health care sectors.
The Aged Care GP Panels Initiative, which started on 1 July 2004, was introduced as part of the Australian Government's Strengthening Medicare package. The Initiative aimed to improve access to primary medical care for residents of aged care homes and to enable GPs to work with the aged care homes to assist with quality improvement strategies for the care of all residents. It has been implemented throughout the Divisions network, which includes the 119 Divisions of General Practice, eight State Based Organisations (SBOs) and the Australian General Practitioners Network.
This program review and evaluation included:
•Measuring the extent to which the Panels Initiatives goals and objectives have been achieved
•Assessing the effectiveness of the Panels Initiative in improving access to primary medical care for residents of aged care homes and to enable GPs to work with the aged care homes to assist with quality improvement strategies for the care of all residents
•Exploring future directions and possible changes to improve the effectiveness of the Panels Initiative
•Identifying any impediments or barriers in the implementation of the Panels Initiative
•Recommending strategies for the Department to deal with existing barriers
•Recommending strategies that the Department could employ to ensure the Panels Initiative achieves its objectives
•Recommending strategies for streamlining data collection across the Panels Initiative and identify any potential gaps in the Data that is currently collected
•Identifying the outcomes, both positive and negative, of the Panels Initiative.