Projects Blood & Organ Donation

Expanding Supply of Leucodepleted Blood Products

Projects Blood & Organ Donation

Expanding Supply of Leucodepleted Blood Products

Projects Blood & Organ Donation

Expanding Supply of Leucodepleted Blood Products


Leucodepletion involves the removal of white cells from donated blood. There is evidence that leucodepleted blood is a 'cleaner' product, offering clinical benefits in some instances.

The Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC) is considering expanding the supply of leucodepleted blood products for specific clinical needs, using pre-storage leucodepletion methods. Such expansion may effect more than half of all blood collections by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS).

The aim of this project undertaken by AHA was to provide practical guidance to AHMAC on how to move from current operations to implementing pre-storage leucodepletion as specified.

The project included a major analysis of patterns and trends in blood donation, collection, production and product issue collected by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS).
Our report provided:
•estimates of current and future need for leucodepleted blood products
•a study of extent and cost of bedside filtration in Australian hospitals
•details of the cost of implementing leucodepletion in Australia including alternative scenarios and options
•analysis of key implementation issues and risks.