Projects Hospitals & Acute Care

Hospital/Insurance Fund Data Analysis

Projects Hospitals & Acute Care

Hospital/Insurance Fund Data Analysis

Projects Hospitals & Acute Care

Hospital/Insurance Fund Data Analysis

  • Services

    Evaluation & Advisory

  • Status


  • Client

    Australian Government Department of Health

  • Jurisdiction



This project required us to obtain and analyse confidential hospital patient service data from all States/Territory Governments and from the five major private insurance funds. It involved analysis of hospital morbidity data supplied by all the states and territories and identifying those hospital episodes with a patient whose date of birth, gender and postcode of residence match with health insurance fund membership data.

The resulting quantitative report included statistical information on the number of insured patients by State and health fund receiving treatment as public and private patients in public and private hospitals, cross-classified by age, gender, area of residence, type of admission and DRG.