Projects Pharmaceuticals

Price Disclosure Data Administrator

Projects Pharmaceuticals

Price Disclosure Data Administrator

Projects Pharmaceuticals

Price Disclosure Data Administrator

  • Services

    Program Administration

  • Status


  • Client

    Commonwealth Department of Health

  • Jurisdiction


Price Disclosure represents the Australian Government’s single largest budget savings measures ever implemented. Total savings to date are estimated at over $10 billion. The Department of Health's annual report states that 'Price disclosure is continuing to produce significant savings, that are driven by market forces. Price disclosure saved the Government $2,736 million in 2017-18'.

PBS expenditure by government totals over $11 billion per annum, representing 13% of total Commonwealth health expenditure.  On behalf of the Department of Health, AHA has administered the PBS Price Disclosure program since its inception in 2011.  Under this program, AHA assists the Department to secure reductions in the prices of drugs listed on the PBS (F2 Formulary), which to date have resulted in government savings of over $10 billion.

AHA was recently reappointed to this role following a competitive tender process.  AHA’s ongoing role includes:

  • Collect six-monthly data regarding sales of over 4,000 pharmaceutical products that are marketed in Australia by more than 70 pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • Calculate discounts being provided by manufacturers to wholesalers and pharmacies, and undertake a set of prescribed calculations (as per the National Health Act) to identify and determine new PBS pricing
  • Securely receive, manage and store significant volumes of highly confidential data
  • Maintain sophisticated IT systems to manage and undertake necessary processes
  • Assist the government with policy-related aspects of the program, including planning evolution and changes to the policy.

The Price Disclosure regime is established under Part VII of the National Health Act 1953 and is administered by the Department of Health.

Price Disclosure represents part of a suite of PBS reforms, tasked with seeking efficiencies in the management of the PBS, whilst continuing to offer Australians access to current and new medicines.