Overview of services
AHA is nimble and innovative and has invested significantly in technology solutions. Our hand-picked staff include the top-tier of Australia’s consultants, technicians and support personnel, who together bring an unmatched level of expertise to each engagement.
Within AHA, each sphere of activity is managed by a separate dedicated workstream. Each workstream is composed of a high-performance team with specific roles and complementary talents and skills. Our workstreams are described under two headings: Evaluation and advisory | Program administration. Our projects encompass most aspects of health and human services, broadly grouped as:
Aboriginal Health, Aged Care, Blood & Organ Donation, Chronic Illness, Community Care, Diagnostic Services, Disability Services, Education & Childhood Development, Hospitals & Acute Care, Mental Health, Pharmaceuticals, Primary Care, Public & Preventative Health, Rural Health, Social Services, Veteran Health.